So i just got back from a rotary trip to chantaburi, and im here to tell you of my adventures with 50 other exchangers.
We'll start with the day before the trip because that has interesting stories too. I took the songtao(thai bus) to the mall but instead of sitting ion the back i sat up front with the bus driver (air conditioning, YAY) and we started the normal thai-falang routine conversation ie where are you from, how long are you here etc. we actually had a really good conversation and just before i got out he took a small amulet off of his mirror and gave it to me as a gift. On one side is buddha and on the other a meditating woman and thai words. if you wear it it is supposed to give you good luck and keep you safe. It was a really nice gesture and actually kind of moving.
Later that night my mom and sister and i went out to eat, and we pull into the parking lot ight ahead of another vehicle. we all get out, and there were two falang in the other car so my mom says "look, ashley, your friends!" at which point i realise that the two falang that got out actually are exchange friends from another rotary club. so we sit down and my mom says something about my friends again and i tell her that one is named gaeo ta and the other meow. she looks confused for a moment and then says "wait, you actually know them?" shes like "i was just joking because your both falang." pretty random and funny.
from the resort we were staying at we could see the sunset into the ocean which was gorgeous, will post pictures later.
the next day we were scheduled to clean the beach as part of the "kings project". so the 50 of us cram into a songtoa that could comfortable hold maybe 35 people and drive down the beach. it was hot as hell out and i did NOT want to
clean, but what else is new. about halfway through i quit cleaning the beach because at that point i had looked down next to my foot and found a used syringe. the rest of the time was spent collecting shells. the afternoon was spent planting magrove trees which wasnt that bad and only took about a half hour. after we finished that one of the directors cut down some coconuts, and cut off the top. inside is the most delicious coconut milk and fresh gooey coconut.
we got up at 5:30 to try and see the sunrise, but the sun didnt rise over the ocean. instead it rose behind a bunch of trees so that was pretty much a bust.
mason and anna got to talking and figured out that anna vacationed in masons little speck of a town the summer before. Anna got to talking about how she went to myrtle beach and ended up getting sand in places where sand should never be. mason, in his southern accent, deadpan glory says "There's nothing but hookers and trash in myrtle beach. thats probably why you got sand in your snootch."
later that night was our farewell dinner. mostly a string a very embarassing hula dancing, a round of musical chairs in which more than one object was broken, and a very prolonged (read: boring/humiliating) "miss Youth Exchange" Pageant. which really should have been intersting seeing as half of the contestants were boys, yegt somehow still managed to be dull.
other than that life is uneventful. my blazer looks better and better as is keeps filling up with pins from different contries and different events. school starts again finally on monday. im excited to see which classes i have.
COMMENT!! i'm making the official threat that if people do not comment i will not post. what use is it to have a blog if your not sure anyone is even reading it?
love to all,
I am most definitely reading! I thing that your swimming by that waterfall would be very fun. Also it sounds like you have a good group of exchange students. Please keep posting!
Love from Turkiye.
I think you might be like me, living for Air Conditioning. That weekend trip sounds like a pretty good time we had a trip like that and the best part was getting to know the other students. Swimming in a waterfall has always been on my To do list it's awesome you did. That guy from the USA sounds like a character.
cheese...cheese...cheese...cheese...mmmmmm...cheese...just kidding. sounds like you're having lots of fun! don't stop the blog!!!
love you!
keep posting honey I'm just catching up!!!!!
Love Mom
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